Trikonasana in Sanskrit translates to “tri” as three and “kona” meaning corners or angles. “Asana” refers to posture, symbolizing the geometric shape formed by the body in the pose. Triangle pose is a wide-legged, asymmetrical standing pose that opens the hips and lengthens the torso. Although this posture became more well-known in the early 20th century, it has been mentioned in more ancient classical yoga texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Different schools of yoga have some different variations. The benefits of this pose were revered for their therapeutic and symbolic significance. It is said to have many meanings such as mountains, power, harmony and prosperity. The triad nature of triangle pose helps us to understand the inclusion of life’s balance of three. Mind, Body, and Spirit is the most frequently used trinity in modern yoga, suggesting the unity or “yoking” of the three parts of self. Other famous trinities that triangle pose connects with include Birth, Life, and Death as well as Christianity’s Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Past, Present, and Future can also find a place. The back leg is the past, the font leg is the future, and the hips represent the present. It is helpful to meditate on the solid foundation that we need (grounding) in the present to leave the past behind and move forward into the future. Stability, strength, and power: the triangle represents the ability to withstand pressure and life's challenges. Benefits of Reverse Triangle PoseGet ready to share |
Hannah Faulkner