Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of booking detailed below.
Prior to booking a trip with Hannah Faulkner, a copy of this contract must be signed and submitted. This acknowledges that you have read and accepted all terms.
Please direct questions, as well as sign, scan and email this contract to:
Hannah Faulkner
1964 5th Ave. #18
San Diego, CA 92101
[email protected]
Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of booking detailed below.
Prior to booking a trip with Hannah Faulkner, a copy of this contract must be signed and submitted. This acknowledges that you have read and accepted all terms.
Participant Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:_________________________________________________________________________
Yoga, Meditation and Trekking Experience (Please include any injuries or other health concerns here):
Food or Other Allergies (Please include any diet restrictions such as Vegetarian, Vegan, Lactose Intolerant, Gluten Free, etc.)
What do you hope to gain from this experience?
Cancellation and Refund Policies
Your registration will be refunded ONLY if your space can be filled.
This agreement between Hannah Faulkner and the participant and is for the booking of rooms, meals, and safety as described below.
This entire trekking experience on the Camino Frances in Spain starts on June 20, 2018 at Saint Jean Peid-du-Port and ends on July 25, 2018 in Santiago de Compostella, Spain, or from July 11-25, 2018 Leon to Santiago de Compostella , or July 18-25, 2018 Sarria to Santiago de Compostella.
Fees and What's Included
You are responsible for providing your own transportation to and from the starting and ending points as outlined in the FAQs.
Bring a variety of clothes for walking, and lounging as temperatures will vary as outlined in the pack list.
The temperatures are predicted to be in the highs of 80s and lows of 50s Farenheit. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. I recommend the Life Straw water bottle that includes a filter.
Included in Cost
Shared Room Budget Accommodations in Local Guest Houses or Albergues (Hostels) from starting point Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port, Leon, or Sarria, to Santiago de Compostella
Meals: Daily Lunch and Dinner Entree or Pilgrim 3 Course Special (when available)*
Pilgrim Passport
CPR and First-Aid Trail Guide and Yoga Instructor
Daily Discussion Concepts and Questions
Daily Guided Meditation
Daily Physical Yoga
Cultural stories from Group Translator and Spanish Language Teacher
What's Not Included:
Transportation from home to and from beginning and end of trail Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port, Leon, or Sarria, and Santiago de Compostella
Backpack, Sleeping Bag, Boots, and other Gear from Pack List
Breakfast and Beverages
Light on Life Book or Audible File
Official Passport
Travel Insurance
Luggage Transport
Medical supplies or costs
Although there is an intended schedule, all activities and time frames are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
Participants are expected to do their best to act peacefully with other participants. It is not acceptable to threaten the physical or emotional safety of any other participants.
Drinking alcohol is only permitted in moderation
Privacy Policy
Any personal information that Hannah Faulkner collects about the participant may be used for any purpose associated with the Half Moon Yoga and Art in terms of sending marketing material in relation to its events and special offers. Hannah Faulkner does not sell or give personal information on any guest unless required by law.
Unless otherwise expressed by you, you consent to us using images of you taken during the trip for advertising and promotional purposes. You grant me perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes.
Yoga and Trekking Waiver
The nature of a yoga trekking experience is adventurous and participation involves a degree of personal risk.
Your safety is your own responsibility. Participants will be participating in activities that may challenge the body physically and mentally.
Participation includes, but is not limited to, participation in meditation techniques, walking straight dirt paths and climbing steep rocky inclines, yogic breathing techniques, and performing various yoga postures that are designed to exercise every part of the body- stretching and toning the muscle joints, the spine and the entire skeletal system. They also work on the internal organs, glands and nerves. Yoga incorporates sustained stretching to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility.
Yoga is an individual experience. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. My signature acknowledges I understand that in this trekking experience, I will progress at my own pace. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, adjust the posture and ask for support from the teacher. I will continue to breathe smoothly.
If at any point I feel overexertion or fatigue, I will respect my body’s limitations and I will rest before continuing. Yoga and trekking is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. I affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to practice yoga and trekking. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or hereafter may have against Hannah Faulkner.
By signing my name below, I acknowledge that participation in yoga classes and trekking exposes me to a possible risk of personal injury. I am fully aware of this risk and hereby release Hannah from any and all liability, negligence or other claims arising from or in any way connected with my participation in yoga class. I understand that I am responsible for purchasing my own travel insurance for any medical emergency.
My signature further acknowledges that I shall not now or at any time in the future bring any legal action against Hannah; and that this waiver is binding on me, my heirs, my spouse, my children, my legal representatives, my successors and my assigns. My signature verifies that I am physically fit to participate in yoga classes and trekking 11-20 miles each day.
If I am pregnant or become pregnant or am post-natal, my signature verifies that I am participating in this experience with my doctor’s full approval. I realize that I am participating in yoga and trekking at my own risk.
Signature Required
I have acknowledged that I have read this contract including all booking and agree to everything:
Location: Camino Frances, Spain
Dates: June 20-July 25, 2018, July 11-25, 2018, or July 18-25, 2018
Your Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name:_________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact
Who should we contact in case of an emergency?
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________
Payment (Please Check next to the statement that best matches your payment choice)
I payed online on this date:__________________________________________________________
Prior to booking a trip with Hannah Faulkner, a copy of this contract must be signed and submitted. This acknowledges that you have read and accepted all terms.
Please direct questions, as well as sign, scan and email this contract to:
Hannah Faulkner
1964 5th Ave. #18
San Diego, CA 92101
[email protected]
Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of booking detailed below.
Prior to booking a trip with Hannah Faulkner, a copy of this contract must be signed and submitted. This acknowledges that you have read and accepted all terms.
Participant Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:_________________________________________________________________________
Yoga, Meditation and Trekking Experience (Please include any injuries or other health concerns here):
Food or Other Allergies (Please include any diet restrictions such as Vegetarian, Vegan, Lactose Intolerant, Gluten Free, etc.)
What do you hope to gain from this experience?
Cancellation and Refund Policies
Your registration will be refunded ONLY if your space can be filled.
This agreement between Hannah Faulkner and the participant and is for the booking of rooms, meals, and safety as described below.
This entire trekking experience on the Camino Frances in Spain starts on June 20, 2018 at Saint Jean Peid-du-Port and ends on July 25, 2018 in Santiago de Compostella, Spain, or from July 11-25, 2018 Leon to Santiago de Compostella , or July 18-25, 2018 Sarria to Santiago de Compostella.
Fees and What's Included
You are responsible for providing your own transportation to and from the starting and ending points as outlined in the FAQs.
Bring a variety of clothes for walking, and lounging as temperatures will vary as outlined in the pack list.
The temperatures are predicted to be in the highs of 80s and lows of 50s Farenheit. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. I recommend the Life Straw water bottle that includes a filter.
Included in Cost
Shared Room Budget Accommodations in Local Guest Houses or Albergues (Hostels) from starting point Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port, Leon, or Sarria, to Santiago de Compostella
Meals: Daily Lunch and Dinner Entree or Pilgrim 3 Course Special (when available)*
Pilgrim Passport
CPR and First-Aid Trail Guide and Yoga Instructor
Daily Discussion Concepts and Questions
Daily Guided Meditation
Daily Physical Yoga
Cultural stories from Group Translator and Spanish Language Teacher
What's Not Included:
Transportation from home to and from beginning and end of trail Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port, Leon, or Sarria, and Santiago de Compostella
Backpack, Sleeping Bag, Boots, and other Gear from Pack List
Breakfast and Beverages
Light on Life Book or Audible File
Official Passport
Travel Insurance
Luggage Transport
Medical supplies or costs
Although there is an intended schedule, all activities and time frames are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
Participants are expected to do their best to act peacefully with other participants. It is not acceptable to threaten the physical or emotional safety of any other participants.
Drinking alcohol is only permitted in moderation
Privacy Policy
Any personal information that Hannah Faulkner collects about the participant may be used for any purpose associated with the Half Moon Yoga and Art in terms of sending marketing material in relation to its events and special offers. Hannah Faulkner does not sell or give personal information on any guest unless required by law.
Unless otherwise expressed by you, you consent to us using images of you taken during the trip for advertising and promotional purposes. You grant me perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes.
Yoga and Trekking Waiver
The nature of a yoga trekking experience is adventurous and participation involves a degree of personal risk.
Your safety is your own responsibility. Participants will be participating in activities that may challenge the body physically and mentally.
Participation includes, but is not limited to, participation in meditation techniques, walking straight dirt paths and climbing steep rocky inclines, yogic breathing techniques, and performing various yoga postures that are designed to exercise every part of the body- stretching and toning the muscle joints, the spine and the entire skeletal system. They also work on the internal organs, glands and nerves. Yoga incorporates sustained stretching to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility.
Yoga is an individual experience. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. My signature acknowledges I understand that in this trekking experience, I will progress at my own pace. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, adjust the posture and ask for support from the teacher. I will continue to breathe smoothly.
If at any point I feel overexertion or fatigue, I will respect my body’s limitations and I will rest before continuing. Yoga and trekking is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. I affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to practice yoga and trekking. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or hereafter may have against Hannah Faulkner.
By signing my name below, I acknowledge that participation in yoga classes and trekking exposes me to a possible risk of personal injury. I am fully aware of this risk and hereby release Hannah from any and all liability, negligence or other claims arising from or in any way connected with my participation in yoga class. I understand that I am responsible for purchasing my own travel insurance for any medical emergency.
My signature further acknowledges that I shall not now or at any time in the future bring any legal action against Hannah; and that this waiver is binding on me, my heirs, my spouse, my children, my legal representatives, my successors and my assigns. My signature verifies that I am physically fit to participate in yoga classes and trekking 11-20 miles each day.
If I am pregnant or become pregnant or am post-natal, my signature verifies that I am participating in this experience with my doctor’s full approval. I realize that I am participating in yoga and trekking at my own risk.
Signature Required
I have acknowledged that I have read this contract including all booking and agree to everything:
Location: Camino Frances, Spain
Dates: June 20-July 25, 2018, July 11-25, 2018, or July 18-25, 2018
Your Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name:_________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact
Who should we contact in case of an emergency?
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________
Payment (Please Check next to the statement that best matches your payment choice)
I payed online on this date:__________________________________________________________