When I arrived in India in late February 2017, I was standing in the currency exchange line at New Delhi airport when a turbaned gentleman behind me asked what I was doing here. I told him that I primarily came to attend the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh. He immediately warned me to not become a vegetarian. He urged me to not give up meat because a body needs protein. I found this response surprising as I thought that most Indians were Vegetarians, but I agreed with him as I thought that I did need protein from meat. Indira Gandhi International Airport of New Delhi, India For most of my life, I ate whatever I thought tasted good. After working part-time at a gourmet French restaurant for the past seven years, I have developed a well-rounded taste for many meats, eggs, creamy sauces, cheeses, pastries, and buttered vegetables. I thought it was all fine in moderation as long as I drank plenty of water, slept enough, and exercised regularly.
However, one of my 2017 New Year Goals was to explore my relationship with food and experiment with what would help me to be the best version of myself.
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Photo Credit: JoAnna George “MMMEEEOOOWWW! NOO! Not again!"
Why are you packing your duffel bag and backpack? Anxiety envelops me as I start pacing back and forth. I jump on the bed, then on the table and back to the bed, desperately trying to signal to her that I’m not happy with this action. "This must mean that you’re leaving me for another one of your crazy adventures! I hate change! Why can’t you just stay here with me and remain happy and comfortable?!" Uh oh! Things have taken a suddenly scary turn. Why is the cat carrier out on the table!?!? Suddenly, Hannah Half Moon picks me up and tries to shove me into that suffocating prison. “MMMEEEOOOWW!! Put me down! I’m not going in there!” I brace for my life, clinging to the perimeter of the opening. I engage all of my muscles in terror! She then lifts me from that space in the back of my neck, that renders me immobile, and before I know it, everything I know fades from view as I swish side to side in this compact vessel. Step after step we descend down the stairs and into the car. “MMMEEEOOOWW!! MMMEEEOOOWW!! MMMEEEOOOWW!!” "I hate riding in the car more than anything! You must stop this nonsense now!" Maybe if I keep screaming, she will change her mind, turn around and things can go back to normal. Abruptly, we stop for a moment and Hannah Half Moon helps her friend, JoAnna George, load the car with more stuff. I don’t understand what’s happening. Abruptly, we start driving again, but this time she opens my cage door and allows me to roam free. I went straight for her lap, my favorite place in the whole world, filled with warmth, love, and affection. |
Hannah Faulkner