We all have one. Have you ever noticed what happens to your body and mind when you watch a violent or scary movie?
It’s that time of year again! The air is cooling, energy is shifting and I find myself nesting.
I’ve suddenly had the urge to cleanse my space, not just deep clean, but completely re-organize my office area, bathroom, and the daunting task of my walk-in closet! I was quickly able to donate 5 bags of clothing that I’ve been clinging on to for years, as well as donate art supplies to school teachers. Oftentimes, we have to actively step away or “burn” our past habits and stuff so that we can make space for new growth. In this area, we build heat to gain the power of “I can.” A strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. Therefore, we must keep our core in balance by making conscious choices to choose and to act. Are you an aspirational yogi? Do you notice the wonderful benefits that yoga has on those around you, but you are hesitant to get started because you think that yoga is only for flexible people?
Maybe you think you’re too restless for yoga and you don’t have the patience to sit still. According to Yoga Journal, “of current non-yogis, 34% of Americans say they are at least somewhat likely to practice yoga in the next 12 months, representing more than 80 million Americans that call themselves ‘aspirational yogis,’ people who are interested in trying yoga.” As I was walking out of Yoga One studio on a lovely July day in San Diego, a posted flyer caught my eye. “Summer Challenge- Complete 20 classes in 30 days- Ends August 30th.”
At first I thought, “Oh, another one of those trendy challenges.” I’m not usually one to go for public challenges just because a business tells me to. Instead, I prefer to set my own goals and beat to the rhythm of my own drum. I tried to dismiss the thought, but a little voice inside of me nudged me to think a little deeper about this concept. Green is the color of the sphere of energy that is our Heart Chakra. Our Anahata, heart chakra, is associated with breathing, lungs, and the circulatory system, just as green plants produce the oxygen that we breathe they also aid in making our blood and heart healthy.
As the fourth and center of seven chakras, our Anahata unites and integrates the upper and lower chakras and is considered to be our center of equilibrium. It is associated with compassion and deep caring for others. Oftentimes, a vegetarian or vegan diet is associated with this chakra center as well. Individuals who choose a lifestyle full of vegetables and greens are said to be more sensitive and caring. |
Hannah Faulkner